Tuesday, February 25, 2014

st maarten is one of the busiest most popular shopping destinations in the caribbean photo judith roumou

St Maarten is one of the most popular destinations when it comes to shopping for liquor, cheese, jewelry and more. You can shop in Dutch Sint Maarten or French St Martin. Many people believe that the quality bought in French St Martin is better, but I believe that all depends. You must remember that the Dutch Side uses American and the St Maarten guilder. French St Martin uses the Euro. So depending on how you convert your money, you can either gain or lose. The Dutch side with all its ports and tourist initiatives certainly is the more popular destination, but French St Martin is beautiful, and shopping in French St Martin can provide you with a variety that you can find in St Maarten. It's almost preferable that French St Martin remains, the quiet almost 'untouched' side with its historic homes and traditional Old French Ambience. The problem with Dutch St Maarten right now is problems with over development, without even a second glance at the environment. How will we continue to attract millions of tourist, when our attraction is gone?
This is something that we will target Theo Heyliger and Maurice Lake about this election year. As usual Theo is running, and Maurice is hiding.

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